The Snake🐍 and the Eagle🦅

A snake had succeeded in attacking the fierce eagle while it was at rest in its nest. the snake had curled up on the eagle's neck not letting the eagle peck it or catch it from its deadly claws. The eagle tried to shake off its enemy flying high in the sky. But the snake only tightened its grasp.

The eagle being unable to breathe lowered down to earth from above the clouds. A countryman saw this unequal battle and approached the snake, dragging it from the eagle’s neck and threw it down. The snake was on the ground when it jumped upon the man who caught it. He hit it with a stick then threw it again.  The snake realized that it could not bite either the man or the eagle with the careful watch of the countryman.

So the snake jumped at the water bottle, hanging from the belt of the countryman and let its poison flow in the water. As soon as the water turned to poison the snake leaped from the belt as fast as lightning and slithered away. The countryman didn't notice the act of the snake. So He  sent off the eagle and was on his way home.

While he was walking up the mountain, the man felt thirsty. As he was halfway up the mountain, he was at a high point. He sat down, took a breath and took his water bottle. As he opened it the eagle approached and took the bottle from him. It split it in the grass in front of the man, the grass instantly turned into ashes. The eagle then threw away the bottle which had touched such poison. The countryman understood why the snake hung onto the bottle and why the eagle threw it. He thanked the eagle for helping him and then left.

An act of kindness is well repaid




Any suggestions?

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