By: Nadee
INFORMATION Horses are found in various colors. They are covered with fur and have a mane and tail. The horse is a domesticated mammal. The male horses are called stallions. The females are called mares. A baby horse is called a foal, if it is a male one its a colt and if its a female it is a filly. Colt Filly Mare Stallion Horses are adapted to run, allowing them to quickly escape predators, possessing an excellent sense of balance and a strong pair of legs . Horses mostly eat grass and hay. Horses live in every part of the world except Antarctica and the northern Arctic regions of North America, Europe and Asia. Most horses are domesticated, which means they live alongside humans. The average lifespan of a domestic horse is 20 to 30 years. Many horses go more than this average. Most horses today are known for their ability to run, work, or be ridden, but have lost their wild camou...
Lions🦁 🦁 🦁
By: Nadee
INFORMATION Lions are mammals that live in the grasslands. They live in a group called pride. They go to sleep with their pride in a small or large cave. A lion's cave is called a den. They are carnivorous and are fierce hunters. It has a bushy hair called mane, its body is covered with fur as well and anyway all mammals have either hair or fur. A lion's body is golden brown colour which helps them hide and hunt in the grasslands this is called camouflage. A female lion is called a lioness, a baby lion is called a cub and they too have fur. A lioness cares for her cubs and teaches them how to hunt. FUN FACTS A lion doesn't know how to hunt, The lioness's are the ones doing hunting!!! A lion has the smallest heart in the entire world!!! Lions are just larger cats!!!,They are not different species.
Any suggestions?
By: Nadee
Any Suggestions? Hey Bloggers, How are you? If you all have any suggestions on an animal to give info on, I am open to get it. But also make sure to check whether I have already written about it before you comment it. You can post your Idea animal as a comment and if you like with your name so I can mention it like, Suggested by : Your name Thanks,
Tigers 🐯🐯🐯
By: Nadee
INFORMATION Tigers have orange and white fur with black stripes and a plain white belly. Most of them have white patches and black stripes on their face. Tigers are mammals that live in the rain forests, savannas, grasslands and mangrove swamps. Each tiger has 30 large teeth, they have 4 canine teeth which they use to grip its prey. Tigers are ambush hunters preferring to sneak up on their prey before taking any action, killing them with a bite. They mainly hunt deer, wild boars, buffalos and antelopes. But they'll kill and eat what's available, from small birds to bears to the occasional elephant. Tigers are scared of only three things , (only two are mentioned here the third one is mentioned in the fun facts) they are even up to challenging the king of the forests, the mightiest Lion. Fire Porcupines FUN FACTS Tigers are naturally afraid of fire and porcupines, but ...
Roe Deer🦌🦌🦌
By: Nadee
INFORMATION A roe deer is said to be slender, medium-sized deer. With a nice fur coat and white bottoms. In various parts of Asia you could find these amazing roe deer. They live in areas of mixed country sides which includes woodland, grassland, heathland and farmland The Roe deer lives throughout Asia Minor and Europe (but not in the islands of Sardinia and Corsica) Lebanon, Israel, Ireland and in the eastern edge of Eastern Europe. Roe deer are found in much of rural France. They are quite small and are easily identified. The males are called bucks, the females are called doe and the young ones are called fawns. Buck Doe Fawn It is mostly brown in color in spring and autumn, turning reddish in the summer and darker grey in the winter. They are herbivores and eats tree shoots, leaves, herbs, brambles, ivy and other woody plants. FUN FACTS The roe deer has no tail. Roe buck have short antlers, typ...
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