

Vaquitas are very special sea creatures, but they're also in a lot of danger. In fact, they're one of the rarest and most endangered animals on Earth. There are only a very small number of them left in the world.

These animals, the smallest marine mammals, live in the northern Gulf of California in Mexico. They're maximum about the size of a tall adult and have grayish skin to help them hide in the cloudy water where they live.

Vaquitas usually like to be by themselves, and you can find them in the not-too-deep parts of the ocean near the shore. They don't live very long, only about 20 years.

The biggest problem for Vaquitas is when they accidentally get caught in fishing nets. People sometimes catch other fish with big nets, and Vaquitas can get stuck in them. This is very dangerous for Vaquitas and one of the main reasons why they're in so much danger.


  • Vaquitas are really good at staying hidden, which makes it hard for scientists to watch them and learn about them.

  • They have a special look with dark rings around their eyes and dark patches on their lips, kind of like a panda's colors. This makes them easy to recognize.

  • Vaquitas talk to each other with special sounds. They use these sounds to find their way around and to find food.

  • They are the smallest marine animal present in the seven seas.

●This species is currently the most endangered type in the world. There are only about 10 of them left!




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