Wilson's bird of paradise


"Wilson's Bird Of Paradise" is a rare bird. 

The male of this type of birds are red and black with a bit of yellow in its neck and the tail is curly and silver in colour,

 the female is always in her nest and are seen very rarely,

 it is described as a brown bird with a bare blue crown, 

unlike the male its tail is not curly, its just like the tail of a common bird, 

its not colored like the male either, it is not silver.

 Its an omnivore and eats mostly tiny fruits, berries, small invertebrates, etc.

They preferably live in the hills of rainforests or sometimes in the land of the hills in rainforests.




Any suggestions?

Lions🦁 🦁 🦁

Tigers 🐯🐯🐯

Roe Deer🦌🦌🦌