
Showing posts from March, 2021


IN F ORMATION Cats are cute, fluffy and soft mammals, they are pretty, fast and dangerous animals.  There are many types of cats,  They  are omnivores. A female cat is called a "Queen" or "Molly" and a male cat is called a "Tom" or "Tom Cat". They have  sharp claws and poisonous teeth. FUN FACTS They have night vision!!! They eat grass to remove hairballs. Cats and human's have been associated for almost 10,000 years. Cats spend most their lives sleeping.πŸˆπŸ’€

Ten Amazing Animals!!!

1. Tortoise - World's oldest living land animal. 2. May-Flies - It is the animal with the shortest lifespan, 24 hours or less. 3. Chimpanzees - Smartest animal on earth . 4. Sloths -  World's most slowest animal. 5.  Cheetahs - Fastest animal on land. 6 . Black Mambas - Fastest animal without legs. 7. Peregrine  Falcons - Fastest animal on air. 8. Artic Fox - Fluffiest animal on earth. 9. Pigs - Cleanest animal on earth. 10. Humans - Most un- believable   animal  (We are animals too) .

Eagles πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…

INFORMATION Eagles are birds of prey,  and also a common name for all large birds of prey, example: Vulture, Hawk and Falcon.   They are feathered carnivores, mostly feed on small birds, worms, fish  and even bigger animals. Eagles nest on top of mountain and hills or on branched tall trees.  They are fully covered with feathers, and often crested, they have strong feet with sharp claws. Man for many years have thought eagles as the symbol of courage, freedom, beauty ,  honor , pride, determinat ion and grace.   FUN FACTS In size female eagles are bigger than the male eagles.                          Female-πŸ¦…   Male- πŸ¦… The name "bald eagle" comes from an old English word "balde" which means white. The bald eagle is the most powerfullest bird alive! The bald eagle is the national symbol of the U.S. Bald eagles have more than 7,000 feathers on its entire body but, none on its legsπŸ˜… When it rains all birds seek shelter, but the eagle flies above to clouds, so it wo

Wilson's bird of paradise

INFORMATION "Wilson's Bird Of Paradise" is a rare bird.  The male of this type of birds are red and black with a bit of yellow in its neck and the tail is curly and silver in colour,  the female is always in her nest and are seen very rarely,  it is described as a brown bird with a bare blue crown,  unlike the male its tail is not curly,  its just like the tail of a common bird,  its not colored like the male either, it is not silver.  Its an omnivore and eats mostly tiny fruits, berries, small invertebrates,  etc. They preferably live in the hills of rainforests or sometimes in the land of the hills in rainforests.