

Seahorses are a type of rare fish. They are called 'seahorses' because their head looks like a horse's head. 

Seahorses live in tropical oceans.

Seahorses use camouflage to hide.

Seahorses are unique because the male hatches the eggs in a pouch on his belly.

 The female places dozens to thousands of eggs in the pouch. 

the eggs get nutrition and oxygen from the liquid in the pouch.

 In the pouch, the salinity of the water is controlled. This prepares the newborns for life in the sea.

Both animals then sink back into the seagrass and the girl swims away. The eggs then hatch. 

Which in most species requires two to four weeks, his mate visits him daily for 'morning visits' and drops some food to him. They stay together for almost six minutes. 

Then female then swims away to find food until the next morning, and the male eats up food through his snout.

 The number of babies produced by the seahorse averages 100-200 for most species, but may be as low as 5 for the smaller species, or as high as 1,500.

Like almost all other fish species, seahorses do not take care of their young after birth.

 The baby sea horses are prey to predators or ocean currents which wash them away from feeding grounds,

 This is why litters are so large. This makes the process worth the cost to the father. The eggs of most other fish are abandoned immediately after fertilization.


  • Seahorses are the only fish that experience true male pregnancy.




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