
Showing posts from January, 2021

Humming birds

INFORMATION Hummingbirds are the most smallest types of birds.  They are called hummingbirds because of the sound made by the wings, it sounds like some one is humming!  They eat nectar from flowers and eat tiny insects. So its an omnivore.  The hummingbirds live for about 3-5 years. They spend about all their time in the air Their legs are so small and weak. It eats about eight times an hour! FUN FACTS Hummingbirds will die if it doesn't eat for more than five hours. Hummingbirds are the only birds that fly backwards!!! Hummingbirds are the size of an ostrich's eye. A hummingbird's egg is about the size of a jellybean. Hummingbirds almost never stop moving. even when they are asleep!๐Ÿ˜ด Hummingbirds can't walk at all.๐Ÿฆต Hummingbirds are the only species of birds that can hover. Hummingbirds are one of earth's smartest creature.๐ŸŒ Hummingbirds digest food with great efficiency and between twenty minutes.


INFORMATI ON The animal "Indri" is almost extinct, so its not that well known. It is also called babakoto.    It is covered with a black and white coat. ( Its pretty ugly) And it maintains upright posture when clinging or climbing. It belongs to the family "lemurs".     Its the largest type of lemur in the world.  Indri and lemurs only live in Madagascar.  It is a herbivore and mostly feeds on flowers and seeds, and when it cannot find these it will feed itself with leaves and fruits.   FUN FACTS Indri has the shortest tail in the family of lemurs.   It spends most of its life in trees. 

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Crocodiles ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ

INFORMATION Crocodiles are large amphibious reptiles. It usually lives in tropical waters, wetlands, rivers, lakes and dams.  In very dry climates crocodiles sometime sleep until the season  finished, this is called hibernating.  Crocodiles can shut its jaws very quickly and with much power.  But the crocodiles have very little strength so a   person could hold its jaws open or shut.  Even though the crocodile lives in water it still breathes the air like us, it cannot breathe under water.  but still it can hold its breath for two hours in the water when its tired or bored.   The crocodile is  a  carnivore.  The crocodile looks like a floating log,  when its back is seen, it waits patiently in the water and when an animal come to drink water in its home it slowly swims there like a  log  floating towards the animal  and ambushes all of a sudden and grabs the  animal by the leg or neck  and drowns it  underwater,  after the animal dies it will take a piece of meat from it and eat it. FU


INFORMATION Dolphins are aquatic mammals, they are called aquatic because they live under water.  The dolphin has forty of its types.  The most common type of dolphin is the bottle nosed dolphin. It has no scales or slime it has soft and smooth skin.  This dolphin is really friendly and intelligent.  The dolphin is a carnivore, it eats fish as much as possible. Dolphins live up to 20-45 years. The dolphin also gives birth to one baby dolphin at a time. A dolphin's nose is called a blow hole. They look after their young and teach them how to hunt just like the lions. FUN FACTS Dolphins aren't having a species of its own!!! They are just smaller whales. A dolphin's blowhole is on top of its head!!! The dolphin never forgets someone who did bad or good to it, if that person did bad to it it would punish the person or if the person has done any good it would never forget that person, instead it would try to help that person. The dolphin sleeps with its one eye open!!! The dolph

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Pandas ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ

INFORMATION The panda is mostly looking like the common black bear. Its size, height and weight all looking like the black bear's.  The panda bear are only having two types of its species now, maybe there were more in the past but now only two and  They are:   The giant panda  &  The red panda  Although the giant panda looks like a black bear, the red panda looks nothing like it,  but rather looks like a racoon!!! The panda bears are almost extinct because of their food,   bamboo  and is only fed with bamboo.  China is the only place it lives now. FUN FACTS A panda is looking like a bear and a racoon, but it actually belongs to the family of racoons!!! Of course the panda eats 99% of its food as bamboo, its actually an omnivore, it eats tiny birds and rats part time!!! The bamboo plant is no plant its actually a type of tall grass!!!