
Showing posts from August, 2021

Roe Deer🦌🦌🦌

INFORMATION A roe deer is said to be slender, medium-sized  deer. With a nice fur coat and white bottoms. In various parts of Asia you could find these amazing roe deer. They live in areas of mixed country sides which includes woodland, grassland, heathland and farmland The Roe deer lives throughout  Asia Minor and Europe  (but not in the islands of Sardinia and Corsica) Lebanon, Israel, Ireland and in the eastern edge of Eastern Europe. Roe deer are found  in much of rural France. They are quite small and are easily identified. The males are called bucks, the females are called doe and the young ones are called fawns. Buck Doe Fawn  It is mostly  brown in color in spring and autumn, turning  reddish in the summer  and darker grey in the winter. They are herbivores and eats tree shoots,  leaves, herbs, brambles, ivy and other woody  plants.     FUN FACTS The roe deer has no tail. Roe buck have short antlers, typically with no more than 3 points deer 🦌🦌🦌    MINI


INFORMATION An owl has a large, round head and big forward facing round eyes, this is which makes it much recognizable and they also have down facing bill or beak.   Owls are carnivores. Owls eats from small insects to large birds and from small mammals to some strong fish.   Owls are adapt for silent flight.   They have sharp talons and strong feet.   Owls can't clearly see in the light but they can see very well in the dark.  They can hear and see very well. Its sight only has a little problem in light but its ears are great at all times. They live in a variety of places such as forests, mountains, deserts and plains.     FUN FACTS   Owls  can turn their head 360  degrees, that is  they can  stay like body facing front head       Facing back!!! Owls can't move their  eyeballs!! An owl's eyes indicates when it wants to hunt, an owl with orange eyes prefers to     Hunt, an owl with dark, brown or black eyes          is active at night and yellow eyes sa