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Happy New Year!


2 Years Anniversary!


Best Christmas Cards and Wishes- From Nadee

Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„ MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERBODY!!! By: Nadee Nadee

Any suggestions?

Any Suggestions?  Hey Bloggers, How are you?  If you all have any suggestions on an animal to give info on, I am open to get it. But also make sure to check whether I have already written about it before you comment it.  You can post your Idea animal as a comment and if you like with your name so I can mention it like, Suggested by : Your name Thanks,

Tips For Viewers, Commenters & Followers

 Things I Want You All To Know 1. Could you all type the comments in English, Tamil or Sinhala, Frankly I don't know any other languages. 2. I advise all the viewers to follow the blog so they can keep up to date when I publish posts.  3. And if you all have any other ideas to improve the blog, I'm open to receive it as a comment here. Thanks- Nadee

Klipspringer- The Tiny Antelope

INFORMATION The Klipspringer is a small antelope found in the east & South Africa. Klipspringers are at home in rocky terrain,  particularly in green hill areas , but usually live in riverbeds or at rocky hills. The skin of the Klipspringer which comes from  yellowish gray to reddish brown . Which becomes an efficient way of camouflage in its rocky home. Unlike most other antelopes, the Klipspringer has a thick and coarse coat with hollow, brittle (easily breakable) hairs.  Both the male & female have horns which are short (nearly 6 inches) and spiky. One of the klipspringer's most notable part is its hooves. Its hooves are  small, almost dainty giving it the appearance of standing on its tiptoes . The are a family of plant eaters (herbivores) and they eat a  wide variety of evergreen shrubs, succulents, vines, seeds, flowers, forbs, and herbs including green grass. They usually don't drink water for the rocky plants they eat provide with enough water for the

Grizzly Bear🐻🐻🐻

INFORMATION   Bears have  large furry bodies, paws with claws, and a short tail . They have a large brain and are one of the  most  intelligent mammals. Bears take a long sleep in the winter which is similar to hibernation. Hibernation is  like a long sleep during the winter. They will sleep in their dens and a mother bear will also have her cubs in a den. They eat a lot before their sleep and in hibernation they will not be able to wake up and do their daily works. Grizzly bears are large and range in color from very light brown which is  almost white to dark brown . They have a face which is full of fur and short, round ears with a large shoulder hump. Grizzly bears weigh more than 700 pound. The males are heavier than the females. Grizzly bears are adaptable and sometimes eat  insects , a variety of flowering plants, roots, tubers, grasses, berries, small rodents, fish, other meat and even human garbage that is if it’s easily found. So overall they are supposed to be ca


INFORMATION   Horses are found in various colors. They are  covered with fur and have a mane and tail. The  horse is a domesticated mammal. The male horses are called stallions. The females are called mares.  A baby horse is called a foal, if it is a male one its a colt and if its a female it is a filly. Colt Filly Mare Stallion Horses are  adapted to run, allowing them to quickly escape predators, possessing an  excellent  sense of balance  and a strong  pair of legs .   Horses mostly eat  grass and hay. Horses live in  every part of the world except Antarctica and the northern Arctic regions of North America, Europe and Asia. Most horses are domesticated, which means they live alongside humans.   The average lifespan of a domestic horse is  20 to 30 years. Many horses go more than this average.   Most horses today are known for their ability to run, work, or be ridden, but have lost their wild camouflaging, but still its family the  Zebra  is able to camouflage. FUN FACTS ·       H

Roe Deer🦌🦌🦌

INFORMATION A roe deer is said to be slender, medium-sized  deer. With a nice fur coat and white bottoms. In various parts of Asia you could find these amazing roe deer. They live in areas of mixed country sides which includes woodland, grassland, heathland and farmland The Roe deer lives throughout  Asia Minor and Europe  (but not in the islands of Sardinia and Corsica) Lebanon, Israel, Ireland and in the eastern edge of Eastern Europe. Roe deer are found  in much of rural France. They are quite small and are easily identified. The males are called bucks, the females are called doe and the young ones are called fawns. Buck Doe Fawn  It is mostly  brown in color in spring and autumn, turning  reddish in the summer  and darker grey in the winter. They are herbivores and eats tree shoots,  leaves, herbs, brambles, ivy and other woody  plants.     FUN FACTS The roe deer has no tail. Roe buck have short antlers, typically with no more than 3 points deer 🦌🦌🦌    MINI